Source code for braket.device_schema.dwave.dwave_provider_level_parameters_v1

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from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from pydantic.v1 import Field

from braket.schema_common import BraketSchemaBase, BraketSchemaHeader

[docs] class PostProcessingType(str, Enum): """ The type of processing for D-Wave. """ SAMPLING = "SAMPLING" OPTIMIZATION = "OPTIMIZATION"
[docs] class ResultFormat(str, Enum): """ The type of results format for D-Wave. """ RAW = "RAW" HISTOGRAM = "HISTOGRAM"
[docs] class DwaveProviderLevelParameters(BraketSchemaBase): """ This is the description of the D-Wave parameters Attributes: annealingOffsets (Optional[List[float]]): Provides offsets to annealing paths, per qubit. annealingSchedule (Optional[List[List[float]]]): Introduces variations to the global anneal schedule. annealingDuration (Optional[int] = Field(gt=1)): Sets the duration (in microseconds) of quantum annealing time, per read. autoScale (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether h and J values are rescaled. beta (Optional[float]): Provides a value for the Boltzmann distribution parameter. Used when sampling postprocessing is enabled on D-Wave 2000Q and earlier systems. chains (Optional[List[List[int]]]): Defines which qubits represent the same logical variable. Used only when postprocessing is enabled on D-Wave 2000Q and earlier systems. Ensures that all qubits in the same chain have the same value within each sample. compensateFluxDrift (Optional[bool]): Boolean flag indicating whether the D-Wave system compensates for flux drift. fluxBiases (Optional[List[float]]): List of flux-bias offset values with which to calibrate a chain. Often required when using the extended J range to create a strongly coupled chain for certain embeddings. initialState (Optional[List[int]]): When using the reverse annealing feature, you must supply the initial state to which the system is set. maxResults (Optional[int] = Field(gt=1)): Specifies the maximum number of answers returned from the solver. postprocessingType (Optional[Union[PostProcessingType, str]]): Defines what type of postprocessing the system runs online on raw solutions. postprocessingType (Optional[PostProcessingType]): Defines what type of postprocessing the system runs online on raw solutions. programmingThermalizationDuration (Optional[int]): Gives the time (in microseconds) to wait after programming the QPU for it to cool back to base temperature (i.e., post-programming thermalization time). readoutThermalizationDuration (Optional[int]): Gives the time (in microseconds) to wait after each state is read from the QPU for it to cool back to base temperature (i.e., post-readout thermalization time). reduceIntersampleCorrelation (Optional[bool]): Reduces sample-to-sample correlations caused by the spin-bath polarization effect by adding a delay between reads. reinitializeState (Optional[bool]): When using the reverse annealing feature, you must supply the initial state to which the system is set. resultFormat (Optional[ResultFormat]): Type of the result format returned by the QPU. spinReversalTransformCount (Optional[int] = Field(gt=0)): Specifies the number of spin-reversal transforms to perform. Examples: >>> import json >>> input_json = { ... "braketSchemaHeader": { ... "name": "braket.device_schema.dwave.dwave_provider_level_parameters", ... "version": "1", ... }, ... "beta": 1 ... } >>> DwaveProviderLevelParameters.parse_raw_schema(json.dumps(input_json)) """ _PROGRAM_HEADER = BraketSchemaHeader( name="braket.device_schema.dwave.dwave_provider_level_parameters", version="1" ) braketSchemaHeader: BraketSchemaHeader = Field(default=_PROGRAM_HEADER, const=_PROGRAM_HEADER) annealingOffsets: Optional[List[float]] annealingSchedule: Optional[List[List[float]]] annealingDuration: Optional[int] = Field(gt=0) autoScale: Optional[bool] beta: Optional[float] chains: Optional[List[List[int]]] compensateFluxDrift: Optional[bool] fluxBiases: Optional[List[float]] initialState: Optional[List[int]] maxResults: Optional[int] = Field(gt=0) postprocessingType: Optional[Union[PostProcessingType, str]] programmingThermalizationDuration: Optional[int] readoutThermalizationDuration: Optional[int] reduceIntersampleCorrelation: Optional[bool] reinitializeState: Optional[bool] resultFormat: Optional[ResultFormat] spinReversalTransformCount: Optional[int] = Field(gt=0)