- class*, braketSchemaHeader: BraketSchemaHeader = BraketSchemaHeader(name='', version='1'), instructions: List[Any], results: List[Amplitude | Expectation | Probability | Sample | StateVector | DensityMatrix | Variance | AdjointGradient] | None = None, basis_rotation_instructions: List[Any] | None = None)[source]
Root object of the JsonAwsQuantumCircuitDescription IR.
- braketSchemaHeader
Schema header. Users do not need to set this value. Only default is allowed.
- Type:
- instructions
List of instructions.
- Type:
- basis_rotation_instructions
List of instructions for rotation to desired measurement bases. Default is None.
- Type:
- results (List[Union[Amplitude, Expectation, Probability, Sample, StateVector,
- DensityMatrix, Variance]])
List of requested results. Default is None.
>>> Program(instructions=[H(target=0), Rz(angle=0.15, target=1)]) >>> Program(instructions=[H(target=0), CNot(control=0, target=1)], ... results=[Expectation(targets=[0], observable=['x'])], ... basis_rotation_instructions=[H(target=0)])
The following instructions are supported: AmplitudeDamping, BitFlip, CCNot, CNot, CPhaseShift, CPhaseShift00, CPhaseShift01, CPhaseShift10, CSwap, CV, CY, CZ, ECR, Depolarizing, GeneralizedAmplitudeDamping, Pauli_channel, H, I, ISwap, Kraus, PhaseDamping PhaseFlip, PhaseShift, PSwap, Rx, Ry, Rz, S, Swap, Si, T, Ti, TwoQubitDephasing, TwoQubitDepolarizing, Unitary, V, Vi, X, XX, XY, Y, YY, Z, ZZ
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- braketSchemaHeader: BraketSchemaHeader
- instructions: List[Any]
- results: List[Amplitude | Expectation | Probability | Sample | StateVector | DensityMatrix | Variance | AdjointGradient] | None
- basis_rotation_instructions: List[Any] | None