braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1 module
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.Area(*, width: Decimal, height: Decimal)[source]
The area of the FOV .. attribute:: width
Largest allowed difference between x coordinates of any two sites (measured in meters)
- type:
- height
Largest allowed difference between y coordinates of any two sites (measured in meters)
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- width: Decimal
- height: Decimal
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.Geometry(*, spacingRadialMin: Decimal, spacingVerticalMin: Decimal, positionResolution: Decimal, numberSitesMax: int)[source]
Spacing or number of sites or rows .. attribute:: spacingRadialMin
Minimum radial spacing between any two sites in the lattice (measured in meters)
- type:
- spacingVerticalMin
Minimum spacing between any two rows in the lattice (measured in meters)
- Type:
- positionResolution
Resolution with which site positions can be specified (measured in meters)
- Type:
- numberSitesMax
Maximum number of sites that can be placed in the lattice
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- spacingRadialMin: Decimal
- spacingVerticalMin: Decimal
- positionResolution: Decimal
- numberSitesMax: int
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.Lattice(*, area: Area, geometry: Geometry)[source]
Spacing or number of sites or rows .. attribute:: area
The rectangular area available for arranging atomic sites
- type:
- geometry
Limitations of atomic site arrangements
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.RydbergGlobal(*, rabiFrequencyRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], rabiFrequencyResolution: Decimal, rabiFrequencySlewRateMax: Decimal, detuningRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], detuningResolution: Decimal, detuningSlewRateMax: Decimal, phaseRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], phaseResolution: Decimal, timeResolution: Decimal, timeDeltaMin: Decimal, timeMin: Decimal, timeMax: Decimal)[source]
- Constraints for the parameters of the driving field that drives the
ground-to-Rydberg transition uniformly on all atoms
- rabiFrequencyRange
Achievable Rabi frequency range for the global Rydberg drive waveform (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- rabiFrequencyResolution
Resolution with which global Rabi frequency amplitude can be specified (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- rabiFrequencySlewRateMax
Maximum slew rate for changing the global Rabi frequency (measured in (rad/s)/s)
- Type:
- detuningRange
Achievable detuning range for the global Rydberg pulse (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- detuningResolution
Resolution with which global detuning can be specified (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- detuningSlewRateMax
Maximum slew rate for detuning (measured in (rad/s)/s)
- Type:
- phaseRange
Achievable phase range for the global Rydberg pulse (measured in rad)
- Type:
- phaseResolution
Resolution with which global Rabi frequency phase can be specified (measured in rad)
- Type:
- timeResolution
Resolution with which times for global Rydberg drive parameters can be specified (measured in s)
- Type:
- timeDeltaMin
Minimum time step with which times for global Rydberg drive parameters can be specified (measured in s)
- Type:
- timeMin
Minimum duration of Rydberg drive (measured in s)
- Type:
- timeMax
Maximum duration of Rydberg drive (measured in s) Note: This may be longer than the T2 coherence time.
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- rabiFrequencyRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]
- rabiFrequencyResolution: Decimal
- rabiFrequencySlewRateMax: Decimal
- detuningRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]
- detuningResolution: Decimal
- detuningSlewRateMax: Decimal
- phaseRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]
- phaseResolution: Decimal
- timeResolution: Decimal
- timeDeltaMin: Decimal
- timeMin: Decimal
- timeMax: Decimal
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.RydbergLocal(*, detuningRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], detuningSlewRateMax: Decimal, siteCoefficientRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal], numberLocalDetuningSitesMax: Decimal, spacingRadialMin: Decimal, timeResolution: Decimal, timeDeltaMin: Decimal)[source]
Constraints for the parameters of the local detuning .. attribute:: detuningRange
Achievable detuning range for the local detuning pattern (measured in rad/s)
- type:
- detuningSlewRateMax
Maximum slew rate for changing the local detuning (measured in (rad/s)/s)
- Type:
- siteCoefficientRange
Achievable site coefficient range for the local detuning pattern (unitless)
- Type:
- numberLocalDetuningSitesMax
Maximum number of sites available for the local detuning pattern
- Type:
- spacingRadialMin
Minimum radial spacing between any two sites with non-zero local detuning (measured in meter)
- Type:
- timeResolution
Resolution with which times for local detuning time series can be specified (measured in s)
- Type:
- timeDeltaMin
Minimum step between times for local detuning time series (measured in s)
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- detuningRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]
- detuningSlewRateMax: Decimal
- siteCoefficientRange: Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]
- numberLocalDetuningSitesMax: Decimal
- spacingRadialMin: Decimal
- timeResolution: Decimal
- timeDeltaMin: Decimal
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.Rydberg(*, c6Coefficient: Decimal, rydbergGlobal: RydbergGlobal, rydbergLocal: RydbergLocal | None = None)[source]
Parameters determining the limitations of the Rydberg Hamiltonian .. attribute:: c6Coefficient
Rydberg-Rydberg C6 interaction coefficient (measured in (rad/s)*m^6)
- type:
- rydbergGlobal
Rydberg Global
- Type:
- rydbergLocal
Rydberg Local. Defaults to None.
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- c6Coefficient: Decimal
- rydbergGlobal: RydbergGlobal
- rydbergLocal: RydbergLocal | None
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.PerformanceLattice(*, positionErrorAbs: Decimal, sitePositionError: Decimal, atomPositionError: Decimal, fillingErrorTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, fillingErrorWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, vacancyErrorTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, vacancyErrorWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomLossProbabilityTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomLossProbabilityWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomCaptureProbabilityTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomCaptureProbabilityWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeTypical: ConstrainedDecimalValue, atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue)[source]
Uncertainties of atomic site arrangements .. attribute:: positionErrorAbs
Total error of the atom position during coherent evolution relative to the lab frame over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program; it combines lattice site position and thermal atom position errors. (measured in meters)
- type:
- sitePositionError
Systematic, pattern-dependent error between specified and actual lattice site positions. (measured in meters)
- Type:
- atomPositionError
Random error in the atom position during coherent evolution as a result of thermal motion over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program. (measured in meters)
- Type:
- fillingErrorTypical
Typical probability of failing to occupy a site specified by user as ‘filled’. These probabilities are dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- fillingErrorWorst
Worst-case probability of failing to occupy a site specified by user as ‘filled’. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence and site position dependence. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- vacancyErrorTypical
Typical probability of erroneously filling a site specified by user as ‘unfilled’. These probabilities can be dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern, and can change slightly with time. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- vacancyErrorWorst
Worst-case probability of erroneously filling a site specified by user as ‘unfilled’. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence, site position dependence and time-variation of this probability. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomLossProbabilityTypical
Typical probability of atom loss from a filled site over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program between the first (“pre-sequence”) and second (“post-sequence”) image. These probabilities can be dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern, and can change slightly with time. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomLossProbabilityWorst
Worst-case probability of atom loss from a filled site over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program between the first (“pre-sequence”) and second (“post-sequence”) image. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence, site position dependence and time-varition of this probability. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomCaptureProbabilityTypical
Typical probability of atom capture into an empty site over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program between the first (“pre-sequence”) and second (“post-sequence”) image. These probabilities can be dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern, and can change slightly with time. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomCaptureProbabilityWorst
Worst-case probability of atom capture into an empty site over the course of a 4-microsecond quantum program between the first (“pre-sequence”) and second (“post-sequence”) image. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence, site position dependence and time-variation of this probability. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveTypical
Typical probability of a false-positive atom detection error. These probabilities can be dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern, and can change slightly with time. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveWorst
Worst-case probability of a false-positive atom detection error. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence, site position dependence and time-variation of this probability. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeTypical
Typical probability of a false-negative atom detection error. These probabilities can be dependent on the pattern and site position within the pattern, and can change slightly with time. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeWorst
Worst-case probability of a false-negative atom detection error. Upper bound that includes the pattern-dependence, site position dependence and time-variation of this probability. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- positionErrorAbs: Decimal
- sitePositionError: Decimal
- atomPositionError: Decimal
- fillingErrorTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- fillingErrorWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- vacancyErrorTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- vacancyErrorWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomLossProbabilityTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomLossProbabilityWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomCaptureProbabilityTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomCaptureProbabilityWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeTypical: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.RabiCorrection(*, rampTime: Decimal, rabiCorrection: ConstrainedDecimalValue)[source]
- Correction factors for calculating the fraction of the expected Rabi oscillation frequency as a
function of ramp time, in the absence of any local detuning pattern.
- rampTime
The ramp time. (measured in s)
- Type:
- rabiCorrection
The fraction of the expected rabi oscillation frequency. Normalized to the range [0.0, 1.0].
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0.0, le=1.0)]
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- rampTime: Decimal
- rabiCorrection: 0, extra={})]
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.PerformanceRydbergGlobal(*, rabiFrequencyErrorRel: Decimal, rabiFrequencyGlobalErrorRel: Decimal, rabiFrequencyInhomogeneityRel: Decimal, groundDetectionError: ConstrainedDecimalValue, rydbergDetectionError: ConstrainedDecimalValue, groundPrepError: ConstrainedDecimalValue, rydbergPrepErrorBest: ConstrainedDecimalValue, rydbergPrepErrorWorst: ConstrainedDecimalValue, T1Single: Decimal, T1Ensemble: Decimal, T2StarSingle: Decimal, T2StarEnsemble: Decimal, T2EchoSingle: Decimal, T2EchoEnsemble: Decimal, T2RabiSingle: Decimal, T2RabiEnsemble: Decimal, T2BlockadedRabiSingle: Decimal, T2BlockadedRabiEnsemble: Decimal, detuningError: Decimal, detuningInhomogeneity: Decimal, rabiAmplitudeRampCorrection: List[RabiCorrection])[source]
Performance metrics for the global driving field .. attribute:: rabiFrequencyErrorRel
Total error in the Rabi frequency due to inhomogeneity and variations in time, relative to the specified value. (unitless)
- type:
- rabiFrequencyGlobalErrorRel
RMS Rabi frequency variation in time as a relative value. (unitless)
- Type:
- rabiFrequencyInhomogeneityRel
RMS Rabi frequency inhomogeneity over the user region, relative to the specified value. (unitless)
- Type:
- groundDetectionError
Probability of mis-detecting a ground-state atom as a Rydberg-state atom. (unitless)
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- rydbergDetectionError
Probability of mis-detecting a Rydberg-state atom as a ground-state atom. (unitless)
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- groundPrepError
Probability of failing to initialize an atom in the ground state prior to user-programmed coherent evolution, in the absence of any local detuning pattern. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- rydbergPrepErrorBest
Probability of failing to initialize an atom in the Rydberg state by an optimal (for that site) user specified pi-pulse from the ground state at maximum Rabi frequency, in the absence of any local detuning pattern. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- rydbergPrepErrorWorst
Worst-case probability of failing to initialize an atom in the Rydberg state by a user specified pi-pulse from the ground state at maximum Rabi frequency, optimized for a different site, in the absence of any local detuning pattern. Normalized to 1.
- Type:
Annotated[Decimal, Field(ge=0, le=1)]
- T1Single
Typical lifetime of the Rydberg state for a single non-interacting qubit in the absence of drive, as measured by a pi-wait-pi protocol. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T1Ensemble
Lifetime of the Rydberg state for an ensemble of non-interacting qubits distributed over the user region, in the absence of drive, as measured by a pi-wait-pi protocol. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2StarSingle
Typical dephasing time of a single non-interacting qubit in the absence of drive, as measured by a Ramsey protocol. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2StarEnsemble
Dephasing time of an ensemble of non-interacting qubits distributed over the user region, in the absence of drive, as measured by a Ramsey protocol. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2EchoSingle
Typical dephasing time of a single non-interacting qubit in the absence of drive, as measured by a spin-echo dynamical decoupling protocol. This measurement isolates the effects of incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2EchoEnsemble
Dephasing time of an ensemble of non-interacting qubits distributed over the user region, in the absence of drive, as measured by a spin-echo dynamical decoupling protocol. This measurement isolates the effects of incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2RabiSingle
Typical decoherence time of a single driven qubit, as measured by a Rabi oscillation protocol with variable pulse duration a maximum Rabi frequency. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2RabiEnsemble
Decoherence time of an ensemble of non-interacting driven qubits distributed over the user region, as measured by a Rabi oscillation protocol with variable pulse duration at maximum Rabi frequency. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2BlockadedRabiSingle
Typical decoherence time of a single pair of driven blockaded qubits, as measured by a Rabi oscillation protocol with variable pulse duration a maximum Rabi frequency. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- T2BlockadedRabiEnsemble
Decoherence time of an ensemble of pairs of driven blockaded qubits distributed over the user region (different pairs do not interact with each other), as measured by a Rabi oscillation protocol with variable pulse duration at maximum Rabi frequency. Includes coherent and incoherent processes. (measured in s)
- Type:
- detuningError
Systematic error from specified value of the global detuning averaged over the user region. (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- detuningInhomogeneity
RMS inhomogeneity of the detuning over the user region. (measured in rad/s)
- Type:
- rabiAmplitudeRampCorrection
dynamic correction curve of effective single-qubit on-resonant Rabi oscillation frequency driven by a triangular amplitude waveform, relative to the specified value.
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- rabiFrequencyErrorRel: Decimal
- rabiFrequencyGlobalErrorRel: Decimal
- rabiFrequencyInhomogeneityRel: Decimal
- groundDetectionError: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- rydbergDetectionError: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- groundPrepError: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- rydbergPrepErrorBest: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- rydbergPrepErrorWorst: Decimal, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, ge=0, le=1, extra={})]
- T1Single: Decimal
- T1Ensemble: Decimal
- T2StarSingle: Decimal
- T2StarEnsemble: Decimal
- T2EchoSingle: Decimal
- T2EchoEnsemble: Decimal
- T2RabiSingle: Decimal
- T2RabiEnsemble: Decimal
- T2BlockadedRabiSingle: Decimal
- T2BlockadedRabiEnsemble: Decimal
- detuningError: Decimal
- detuningInhomogeneity: Decimal
- rabiAmplitudeRampCorrection: List[RabiCorrection]
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.PerformanceRydbergLocal(*, detuningErrorRms: Decimal, siteCoefficientErrorRms: Decimal, errorRateIncoherentBright: Decimal, errorRateIncoherentDark: Decimal, crosstalk: Decimal)[source]
Performance metrics for the local detuning .. attribute:: detuningErrorRms
Shot-to-shot relative RMS error on the time component of the local detuning values (local detuning waveform)
- type:
- siteCoefficientErrorRms
Site-to-site absolute RMS error on the spatial component of the local detuning values (site coefficients)
- Type:
- errorRateIncoherentBright
Incoherent error rate for locally-addressed sites at max local detuning
- Type:
- errorRateIncoherentDark
Incoherent error rate at a site that is not locally-addressed due to crosstalk from a single locally-addressed site at min distance and at max local detuning
- Type:
- crosstalk
Fractional local detuning induced at a site that is not locally-addressed due to crosstalk from a single locally-addressed site
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- detuningErrorRms: Decimal
- siteCoefficientErrorRms: Decimal
- errorRateIncoherentBright: Decimal
- errorRateIncoherentDark: Decimal
- crosstalk: Decimal
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.PerformanceRydberg(*, rydbergGlobal: PerformanceRydbergGlobal, rydbergLocal: PerformanceRydbergLocal | None = None)[source]
Performance metrics of the global driving field and the local detuning .. attribute:: rydbergGlobal
Performance of Rydberg Global
- type:
- rydbergLocal
Performance of Rydberg Local
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- rydbergGlobal: PerformanceRydbergGlobal
- rydbergLocal: PerformanceRydbergLocal | None
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.Performance(*, lattice: PerformanceLattice, rydberg: PerformanceRydberg)[source]
Parameters determining the limitations of the QuEra device .. attribute:: performanceLattice
Uncertainties of atomic site arrangements
- type:
- performanceRydberg
Parameters determining the limitations the Rydberg simulator
- Type:
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- lattice: PerformanceLattice
- rydberg: PerformanceRydberg
- class braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties_v1.QueraAhsParadigmProperties(*, braketSchemaHeader: BraketSchemaHeader = BraketSchemaHeader(name='braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties', version='1'), qubitCount: int, lattice: Lattice, rydberg: Rydberg, performance: Performance)[source]
This defines the properties common to ahs Quera devices.
- area
the area of the FOV
- geometry
spacing or number of sites or rows
- qubits
the number of qubits
- rydberg
the constraint of rydberg
- performance
the performance of rydberg or atom detection
>>> import json >>> input_json = { ... "braketSchemaHeader": { ... "name": "braket.device_schema.quera.quera_ahs_paradigm_properties", ... "version": "1", ... }, ... "qubitCount": 256, ... "lattice":{ ... "area": { ... "width": 100.0e-6, ... "height": 100.0e-6, ... }, ... "geometry": { ... "spacingRadialMin": 4.0e-6, ... "spacingVerticalMin": 2.5e-6, ... "positionResolution": 1e-7, ... "numberSitesMax": 256, ... } ... }, ... "rydberg": { ... "c6Coefficient": 2*math.pi(3.14) *862690, ... "rydbergGlobal": { ... "rabiFrequencyRange": [0, 2*math.pi(3.14) *4.0e6], ... "rabiFrequencyResolution": 400 ... "rabiFrequencySlewRateMax": 2*math.pi(3.14) *4e6/100e-9, ... "detuningRange": [-2*math.pi(3.14) *20.0e6,2*math.pi(3.14) *20.0e6], ... "detuningResolution": 0.2, ... "detuningSlewRateMax": 2*math.pi(3.14) *40.0e6/100e-9, ... "phaseRange": [-99,99], ... "phaseResolution": 5e-7, ... "timeResolution": 1e-9, ... "timeDeltaMin": 1e-8, ... "timeMin": 0, ... "timeMax": 4.0e-6, ... }, ... "rydbergLocal" : { ... "detuningRange": [0, 2 * math.pi * 50.0e6], ... "detuningSlewRateMax": 0.2, ... "siteCoefficientRange": [0.0, 0.2], ... "numberLocalDetuningSitesMax": 0.2, ... "spacingRadialMin": 0.2, ... "timeResolution": 0.2, ... "timeDeltaMin": 0.3, ... } ... }, ... "performance": { ... "lattice":{ ... "positionErrorAbs": 0.025e-6, ... "sitePositionError": 0.025e-6, ... "atomPositionError": 0.025e-6, ... "fillingErrorTypical": 0.005, ... "fillingErrorWorst": 0.01, ... "vacancyErrorTypical": 0.005, ... "vacancyErrorWorst": 0.005, ... "atomLossProbabilityTypical": 0.01, ... "atomLossProbabilityWorst": 0.01, ... "atomCaptureProbabilityTypical": 0.01, ... "atomCaptureProbabilityWorst": 0.01, ... "atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveTypical": 0.01, ... "atomDetectionErrorFalsePositiveWorst": 0.01, ... "atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeTypical": 0.01, ... "atomDetectionErrorFalseNegativeWorst": 0.01, ... }, ... "rydberg":{ ... "rydbergGlobal":{ ... "rabiFrequencyErrorRel:": 0.01, ... "rabiFrequencyGlobalErrorRel": 0.01, ... "rabiFrequencyInhomogeneityRel": 0.01, ... "groundDetectionError": 0.01, ... "rydbergDetectionError":0.1, ... "groundPrepError": 0.01, ... "rydbergPrepErrorBest": 0.05, ... "rydbergPrepErrorWorst": 0.05, ... "T1Single": 100e-6, ... "T1Ensemble": 100e-6, ... "T2StarSingle": 5e-6, ... "T2StarEnsemble": 5e-6, ... "T2EchoSingle": 5e-6, ... "T2EchoEnsemble": 5e-6, ... "T2RabiSingle": 5e-6, ... "T2RabiEnsemble": 5e-6, ... "T2BlockadedRabiSingle":5e-6, ... "T2BlockadedRabiEnsemble": 5e-6, ... "detuningError": 1e6, ... "detuningInhomogeneity": 1e6, ... "rabiAmplitudeRampCorrection":[ ... { ... "rampTime":50e-9, ... "rabiCorrection": 0.92 ... }, ... { ... "rampTime": 75e-9, ... "rabiCorrection": 0.97 ... }, ... { ... "rampTime": 100e-9, ... "rabiCorrection": 1.00 ... } ... ] ... }, ... "rydbergLocal":{ ... "detuningErrorRms:": 0.01, ... "siteCoefficientErrorRms:": 0.01, ... "errorRateIncoherentBright:": 0.01, ... "errorRateIncoherentDark:": 0.01, ... "crosstalk:": 0.01, ... }, ... }, ... }, ... } >>> QueraAhsParadigmProperties.parse_raw_schema(json.dumps(input_json))
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.
- braketSchemaHeader: BraketSchemaHeader
- qubitCount: int
- performance: Performance